About Us
Billings Public Library Foundation mobilizes the Billings and Yellowstone County community to continuously improve, promote, and support the Billings Public Library. Your gift allows us to take the Library above and beyond city funding to a new level of excellence for all to use and enjoy. A library is not a —Henry Ward Beecher The mission of the The Billings Public Library Foundation is committed to ensure long-term financial health and growth of the Billings Public Library through private giving and endowments. Through a public/private alliance, the Foundation’s vision is to offer our community a library with the best resources and most innovative services and programming possible. Meet a group of passionate and tireless community advocates.
Wisdom. Inspiration. Information. Support the Magic of Our Library
luxury but one of the
necessities of life.
Billings Public Library
Foundation is to raise vital funds
to provide a margin of excellence
for the Billings Public Library.Vision and Purpose