Food For Thought: Save the Date

Home Food For Thought: Save the Date

Food For Thought

Save the Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2025!

This popular fundraiser, hosted by the Billings Public Library Foundation, has been enthusiastically received by our community since 2006.  The purpose of this evening is to offer a lively conversation, promote community dialogue and foster a spirit of life-long learning.  In this process, we also wish to raise the community’s awareness of the Billings Public Library Foundation plus raise funds in its support.

The event’s format is exceptional in that all attendees can be active participants.  The evening, which opens with a reception, includes a sumptuous dinner with wine and dessert.  During the meal, guests seated at tables of eight, discuss a topic set in advance for their particular table.  A conversation host facilitates discussion at each table.

Join us for an evening of exciting and engaging conversations, cocktails and appetizers. When you register, you will have the opportunity to choose from one of several thought-provoking topics and spend time with a subject expert and other Foundation supporters to dig deeper, learn, and most definitely laugh.