January Update: News for the New Year
January 19th, 2022
January 2022
You’re a Groundbreaker! The Billings Library Express Lockers are a First in Montana
Thanks to YOUR generosity, we were able to officially open the first ever book lending kiosk in the state of Montana! Library materials will now be available 24/7 for folks who can’t make it into the building during open hours. Because of you, we’ve opened access to the Library to hundreds of folks across Yellowstone County.
Thank You!
A New Look for a New Year
We’ve got a new website! You may have noticed we’re a little spiffier than usual online. After lots of hard work (and one or two technical difficulties) our brand new website is up and running. We’ve added all sorts of new, exciting information, including an all new donate form. Take a minute to check it out and share it with your friends!
Your Generosity Blew Us Away We’re thrilled to say that our end-of-year drive was officially a massive success! Thanks to the hundreds of you that donated to your Library last year. You make Library Dreams come true! Thank you!
Please remember the Library Foundation in your estate plans. Have questions? Call Leslie — 406-237-6149